Watch my webinar!

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Success! Check out my "Tips For Reducing Bias when Incentivizing Participants" Webinar. It’s more "dynamic" than you might expect and it focuses on reducing researcher bias throughout the research process so anyone conducting studies should benefit.

"I'm so glad I tuned in to your webinar. Thank you for doing it. Your insights around piloting were especially helpful. It's all too easy to just jump in thinking everything will go as planned. The only thing I wished for was a longer webinar! Bias is such a big, complex, hairy topic to tease out in an hour because it permeates every aspect of user experience; you could facilitate an entire workshop, or create an entire curriculum around this topic alone (if you haven't already)!" - Marilyn Frank 

The gorgeous "Cognitive bias codex" poster I referenced (which breaks down cognitive errors into four quadrants of memory, meaning, information overload, and need for speed) is available for purchase from Better Humans (link in Comments). I wish I had tied the 13 steps back to the most common situational pressures or "bias cookers."

Thanks, Alba, for the feedback! Hindsight is indeed 2020. Check it out. ALL Links are in the comments below.