Who would you meet… and why?


If you could meet anyone for dinner, who would you meet… and why?

When I was asked that question, my answers were a bit surprising because not much would stop me from reaching out and actually meeting them, but I haven’t done that… yet.

There’s Amy Porterfield, a huge guru in the online education space who has built an empire around how to teach people to create digital courses and launch them. She’s humble and so smart and really approachable. She’s helped thousands of teachers reach the masses.

There's a designer, researcher and author named Erika Hall whose office is about six blocks from my house. She wrote my absolute singular favorite book on user research. It’s called Just Enough Research. I’d love to have dinner with her and her husband, Mike Monteiro, at their Mule Design office or somewhere else in the ‘hood.

I’d also love to meet Sara Blakely, the founder of Spanx. I love her personality and grit. She's got a good hustle, a smart head on her shoulders, she’s super positive and no BS. Now she has a great story!

BTW, this exercise reveals your values and priorities, so give it a try! Name three people you’d love to meet. Maybe they’ll read this and reach out to YOU.

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